Tuesday, 25 April 2017

6 Best Glute Exercises For Women

Glute Exercises For Women

Women love training glutes. You can’t hide a toned, well- developed and sexy derriere in a dress. In order to get great glutes, you must lift weights. You will be hard pressed to find anyone with traffic-stopping, attention-catching glutes without spending hours in the gym.

Here are the 6 best glute exercises for building your buns:

1. Back Squat

The Back Squat remains unchallenged as the best exercise for lower body development. Back Squat activates the powerful gluteus muscles throughout the exercise but especially at the bottom where you have to transition the weight from the heel to the front of the foot. As you approach midpoint, the glutes help push the hips forward so you can straighten out your legs and complete the rep.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

2. Stiff Leg Deadlift

Stiff Leg Deadlift is best known as an exercise that builds the hamstrings. But done properly, Stiff Leg Deadlift can pad your glutes with serious muscle. Bring the barbell down to a point where you can feel a good stretch on your glutes without rounding your back. Lower the bar slowly; the descent should take 6-8 seconds. It is very important to perform each rep with a flat back. At the top of the rep, contract your glutes as hard as you can for a count of “one thousand one”.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 10 reps

3. Goblet Squat

Goblet Squat is a variation that allows you to engage the glutes more than the regular Squat. This is because the front loaded position will enable you to achieve a deeper bottom position where the glutes are heavily activated. Goblet Squat can be used as a warm up or workout finisher in your routine. If there is 1 type of Squat you can do every day, it would be Goblet Squat.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

4. Cable Kickbacks

Cable Kickbacks is a unilateral exercise; it is more of a “feel movement” where you have to place intense focus on each rep to make sure it is directly hitting your gluteus muscle. The key to making Cable Kickbacks work is to keep your leg straight. You should not perform this exercise with heavy weight. Use a weight that is light enough for you to hold a strong contraction at the top of the kickback.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 15 reps

5. Glute Bridge March

Glute Bridge March is a bodyweight exercise that works your glutes, abs and lower back. Maintain the elevated hip position as high as you can and drive each knee up in an explosive manner to activate the glutes. This is a great exercise not just for developing the glutes. It will also improve hip and lower back flexibility.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

6. Hip Thrust

The glutes are involved in many exercises simply because the hips are also activated. Hip Thrust is an effective way to strengthen the glutes, improve its flexibility and degree of mobility. Start out with just your bodyweight but once you are strong enough, do not hesitate to use a barbell with Hip Thrust.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

You can run these exercises in 1 workout if you want to dedicate a day specifically for glutes. Another approach would be to split the workouts between leg day and a session for your posterior chain:

Workout 1 – Leg Day:
• Barbell Squat
• Goblet Squat
• Hip Thrust

Workout 2 – Posterior Chain; you can train glutes with back and hamstrings.
• Stiff Leg Deadlift
• Cable Kickbacks
• Glute Bridge March

Space your workouts at least 48 hours apart for proper recovery. You should see amazing backside development after 6 to 8 weeks. Yoga pants will look better on you than ever before!