Calf Exercises For Muscle Building
Along with forearms, calves are one of the most difficult body parts to develop. It is a very dense muscle; calves respond better to higher rep ranges, precise execution and multiple training sessions.
While some are genetically predisposed to having big calves, you can build what your parents have given you with consistency and dedication.
Here are 5 proven exercises for building stubborn calves:
1. Barbell Calf Raise
The straight leg position of standing calf exercises such as Barbell Calf Raise places more emphasis on the gastrocnemius muscle. This is the rounded muscle that is located on the outside back of the calf.Barbell Calf Raise is effective for building the gastrocnemius and gives it the distinctive heart- shaped look of well developed calves. If you are using a Smith Machine or a Power Rack to do Barbell Calf Raise, position a 3cm block under the balls of your feet for a better heel stretch.
Recommended Volume – 3 sets x 15 to 20 reps
2. Calf Press
Calf Press is another excellent exercise for targeting the large gastrocnemius muscle. You can do this on any type of Leg Press machine.An effective technique to use when doing Calf Press is maintaining the stretched position of the calf at the bottom and the contracted position at the top for a count of 5.
Another proven technique you can use from time to time is to vary feet position after every set. Do 5 reps with your feet angled out, 5 reps with feet positioned straight and 5 reps with your feet angled out. That is 1 set.
Recommended Volume – 3 sets x 15 to 20 reps
3. Seated Calf Raise
In contrast, bent leg calf exercises target the soleus muscle of the calf. The soleus is the muscle underneath the gastrocnemius and runs along its entire length down to the Achilles tendon.Training the soleus helps push out the gastrocnemius muscle. This gives your calves more roundness and fullness. With Seated Calf Raise Keep your knees at a 90 degree angle. Make sure you get a deep, controlled stretch at the bottom and a strong contraction at the top.
Recommended Volume – 3 sets x 10 to 15 reps
4. Single Leg Calf Raise
Single Leg Calf Raise is a great way to finish off your calf workout. Unilateral exercises allow you to have more focus on working the muscle. As a bodyweight exercise, you should be able to hit higher rep ranges in perfect form. An effective technique would be Every Minute On The Minute or EMOTM.With this technique, you will work each calf for one minute. After you’ve finished with one calf, work the other calf for another minute without any rest in between. Do not rush through your reps. Always focus on getting a stretch and a contraction.
Recommended Volume – 3 sets x 1 minute per calf
5. Farmers Walk
Walking is a good exercise for building calves. Farmers Walk makes it even better. Simply grab pair of heavy dumbbells and walk a given distance. The key to Farmers Walk is to keep your core tight and maintain a strong back position. Use a weight that is equivalent to 50% of your bodyweight. If you weigh 80 kilos, grab a pair of 20kg dumbbells or barbell plates.Recommended Volume – 3 sets x 30m
Since the calf is an endurance muscle, you can train it multiple times per week. Start out with 2 workouts every week. After 2 weeks, increase the frequency to 3 workouts every week.
You don’t have to do all the exercises in 1 workout. You can break it down as follows:
Calf Workout 1:
• Standing Calf Raise
• Seated Calf Raise
• Single Calf Raise
Calf Workout 2:
• Calf Press
• Seated Calf Raise
• Farmer’s Walk
What is important is that you should always have at least 1 standing exercise and 1 seated exercise in your rotation.
Finally, don’t forget to stretch the calves at the end of a calf exercises session to increase blood flow, prevent cramps and to start the recovery process.