Tuesday, 21 February 2017

What Are The Best Exercises For Beginners?

Best Exercises For Beginners

When it comes to exercise, any type of physical activity that gets your heart pumping, sweat rolling and muscles flexing should be good for you. But exercises are not created equal.

There are some exercises that are better than others and should be part of your workout rotation.

The gym isn’t the only place you can do your exercises. You can do them at the park, your home or the office.

When equipment isn’t available, here are some of the best exercises you do:

1. Walking – 1 hour of walking can burn as much calories as a 30 minute jog. But it’s easier on your knees and lower back.

2. Sprints – One of the most effective ways to burn body fat and tone muscles in your thighs, glutes and hamstrings.

3. Push Ups – Add inches to your chest, shoulders and arms with this military standard.

4. Pull Ups – One of the most challenging bodyweight exercises that will build your lat muscles, arms and shoulders.

5. Dips – Another military special that will develop your chest, arms and shoulders.

6. Air Squats – Squats of any type will tone your thighs, gluteus muscles, hamstrings and improve your conditioning level.

7. Lunges – A great way to tone your thighs, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles while developing stability and balance.

8. Plank – The safest way to build your core section, the Plank also works your upper body, glutes and thighs.

The gym provides you with several pieces of equipment. You have your choice of free weights, machines, kettlebells, medicine balls, Swiss balls or resistance bands.

Here is a short list of the best exercises you can do at the gym that will consistently produce good results:

1. Squats – The best exercise for complete leg development. The Squat also strengthens your core section.

2. Bench Press – The chest has long been viewed as a symbol of power. If you want a powerful looking chest, this is the best exercise to get it done.

3. Deadlift – Although the Deadlift is known as a back exercise, it works every body part and is widely recognised as the true measure of strength.

4. Overhead Press – Well rounded, toned shoulders look good in clothes. The Overhead Press will get you superhero shoulders faster than a speeding bullet.

5. Power Clean – If you want to improve your power, speed and agility, the Power Clean is the best exercise you can do.

6. Glute Ham Raise – The buttocks are a common problem area for men and women. Include Glute Ham Raise with the Squat to build a well-shaped and toned behind.

7. Russian Twist – In 2014, Russian Twist was the most searched exercise. It remains popular as it helps tighten, tone and firm up your midsection to get those washboard abs!

8. Turkish Get Up – This kettlebell favourite is frequently cited as the most important exercise trainers are NOT doing. Turkish Get Up hits your core and develops balance, stability and flexibility.

There are other great exercises you can do at the gym, the park or your home. Here are some great into articles with valuable tips and exercises for beginners.

Your choice of exercise should depend on your fitness goals. The most important thing is to get some physical activity as often as you can.

And remember to do warm up exercises before you begin to help avoid injury.