Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Muscle Building Exercises To Bulk Up

Muscle Building Exercises

If you want to build muscle, you must train for strength. That should be an inarguable fact. Yet, so many people continue to lift weights for “definition”, “toning” or “to firm up”. All of those goals mean only one thing: Build Muscle.

In order to build muscle you must stimulate its growth through progressive resistance work. Any type of resistance that you apply to a muscle will activate the fibres to accommodate the amount of load you place upon it. Thus, you can build muscle with any type of exercise.

However, the best exercises to build muscle are the ones that produce the greatest strength output. These are basic, compound exercises which recruit different muscle groups to execute the lift.

The more muscle fibres you use, the more weight you can lift and the stronger you will get. A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle.

These are the best muscle building exercises per body part:

1. Legs:

• Squats – Back Squat, Front Squat, Hack Squat
• Leg Press
• Romanian Deadlift
• Barbell Calf Raise

2. Back:

• Deadlift – Conventional, Sumo Deadlift, Rack
• Barbell Row
• T-Bar Row
• Pull Ups

3. Chest:

• Bench Press – Flat, Incline Bench Press, Decline Bench Press
• Dumbbell Bench Press – Flat, Incline Dumbbell Press
• Dips

4. Shoulders:

• Military Press
• Push Press
• Power Clean
• Seated Dumbbell Press

5. Arms:

• Close Grip Bench Press
• Lying Tricep Extension
• Barbell Curl
• Hammer Curls

The key to getting stronger is to progressively increase the amount of resistance or load being lifted. These exercises are the lifts that will allow you to move the greatest amount of weight.

But of these exercises, the cornerstones of every muscle building program should be:
• Squats
• Bench Press
• Deadlift
• Military Press

The people you see doing isolation exercise such as Leg Extensions, Cable Cross Overs, Lat Pulldowns and Side Laterals will not get bigger or stronger than those training on the four core lifts.

Isolation exercises focus only on specific muscle groups and will not allow you to lift progressively heavier and maintain good form.

Training the four core lifts is very challenging but it will allow you to keep your newly found muscle mass longer. This is because even your bones, muscle fibres, tendons and supporting ligaments will get stronger.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Exercise For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Exercises

If you’ve been on the heavy side for a long time and are starting to feel its toll on your body and health, then your decision to exercise for weight loss is a welcome one.

The benefits of losing weight can be felt almost immediately. You can breathe easier, sleep better, move more comfortably and your overall disposition becomes more positive.

The best approach to exercise for weight loss is to do resistance training and cardio.

Resistance Training

Resistance Training helps you build muscle and develop better mobility, agility and flexibility. As you build more muscle, your body starts to burn more calories. One kilo of muscle tissue burns 14.3 calories per hour while one kilo of fat tissue burns only 2.64 calories per hour!

The best exercises for weight loss are as follows:
1. Squats
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
4. Overhead Press
5. Bodyweight Lunges
6. Incline Dumbbell Press
7. Bent Over Row
8. Assisted Pull Ups
9. Assisted Dips
10. Plank

The first 4 exercises are compound exercises and recruit the largest muscle groups in the body. Lunges, Incline Dumbbell Press and Barbell Rows are isolation type exercises which will require more balance, stability and thus utilise other muscle fibres.

Assisted Pull Ups and Dips will improve functionality. As you gain strength and lose weight, you will be able to do these bodyweight exercises without assistance.

The Plank is the safest abdominal exercise you can do. It will strengthen your lower back, hips and shoulder girdle.

The recommended set and rep ranges are as follows:

• Compound Exercises - 4 sets x 8-10 reps
• Isolation Exercises – 3 sets x 10-12 reps
• Assisted Exercises – 2 sets x 12-15 reps


Cardio helps strengthen your heart, removes toxins from your body, improves blood circulation and regulates blood glucose levels. If you are overweight, medium to long distance running should be out of the question for the time being.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT burns more body fat and builds more muscle.

Here are HIIT routines you can do to lose weight:

1. Elliptical Machine HIIT

Warm Up: 5 minutes at 50-60 rpm
Intervals:  10 intervals - 30 seconds at 75 to 95 rpm + 30 seconds at 50 rpm
Warm Down: 5 minutes at 40-50 rpm

2. Bodyweight HIIT

Warm Up: Jumping Jacks- 5 sets x 1 minute
Intervals:  4-8 Intervals; 2 minutes rest between intervals
Air Squat x 10 reps
Push Ups x 10 reps
Mountain Climbers x 10 reps
Bird Dog x 10 reps
Turkish Get Up x 10 reps; bodyweight only

Another good cardio option is swimming which is effective and easy on the joints.

In combination with a healthy eating plan, you should be on your way to a fitter, healthier and lighter you in no time at all!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

What Are The Best Exercises For Beginners?

Best Exercises For Beginners

When it comes to exercise, any type of physical activity that gets your heart pumping, sweat rolling and muscles flexing should be good for you. But exercises are not created equal.

There are some exercises that are better than others and should be part of your workout rotation.

The gym isn’t the only place you can do your exercises. You can do them at the park, your home or the office.

When equipment isn’t available, here are some of the best exercises you do:

1. Walking – 1 hour of walking can burn as much calories as a 30 minute jog. But it’s easier on your knees and lower back.

2. Sprints – One of the most effective ways to burn body fat and tone muscles in your thighs, glutes and hamstrings.

3. Push Ups – Add inches to your chest, shoulders and arms with this military standard.

4. Pull Ups – One of the most challenging bodyweight exercises that will build your lat muscles, arms and shoulders.

5. Dips – Another military special that will develop your chest, arms and shoulders.

6. Air Squats – Squats of any type will tone your thighs, gluteus muscles, hamstrings and improve your conditioning level.

7. Lunges – A great way to tone your thighs, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles while developing stability and balance.

8. Plank – The safest way to build your core section, the Plank also works your upper body, glutes and thighs.

The gym provides you with several pieces of equipment. You have your choice of free weights, machines, kettlebells, medicine balls, Swiss balls or resistance bands.

Here is a short list of the best exercises you can do at the gym that will consistently produce good results:

1. Squats – The best exercise for complete leg development. The Squat also strengthens your core section.

2. Bench Press – The chest has long been viewed as a symbol of power. If you want a powerful looking chest, this is the best exercise to get it done.

3. Deadlift – Although the Deadlift is known as a back exercise, it works every body part and is widely recognised as the true measure of strength.

4. Overhead Press – Well rounded, toned shoulders look good in clothes. The Overhead Press will get you superhero shoulders faster than a speeding bullet.

5. Power Clean – If you want to improve your power, speed and agility, the Power Clean is the best exercise you can do.

6. Glute Ham Raise – The buttocks are a common problem area for men and women. Include Glute Ham Raise with the Squat to build a well-shaped and toned behind.

7. Russian Twist – In 2014, Russian Twist was the most searched exercise. It remains popular as it helps tighten, tone and firm up your midsection to get those washboard abs!

8. Turkish Get Up – This kettlebell favourite is frequently cited as the most important exercise trainers are NOT doing. Turkish Get Up hits your core and develops balance, stability and flexibility.

There are other great exercises you can do at the gym, the park or your home. Here are some great into articles with valuable tips and exercises for beginners.

Your choice of exercise should depend on your fitness goals. The most important thing is to get some physical activity as often as you can.

And remember to do warm up exercises before you begin to help avoid injury.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

5 Exercises For Lower Back Strength

Lower Back Strength Exercises

Lower back pain can be debilitating. It can affect how we conduct our daily lives. Even the simple acts of walking, getting off a chair or out of bed can be very difficult.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Wellness (AIHW), lower back pain afflicts 16% of the total population of Australia. Every year, lower back pain has cost Australians $1 Billion in terms of treatments and $8 Billion in productivity losses.

While the Australian government continues to look for new and effective treatments, exercise remains the cornerstone for reducing the incidence of lower back pain.

Why The Lower Back Is Vulnerable

The spine runs through the length of your back all the way up to the skull. Its primary function is to bend and twist which means your spine has to be flexible. The spine has to be kept stable in order to maintain an upright position.

A chain of bones called vertebrae protect the spine. Within each vertebra is a disk made of a jelly-like substance which acts as a cushion or shock absorber to the spine.

These disks are exposed to compression forces every time we sit, bend or twist. It is estimated that stress forces totaling close to 1,000 kilos are applied on the lower back every day.

How To Strengthen Your Lower Back

The most effective way to prevent lower back pain is through exercise. The back is made up of a large network of muscles from top to bottom that support the spine. The powerful gluteus and hamstring muscles also help the back muscles absorb and distribute compression forces away from the lumbar area.

The best exercises to strengthen your lower back are those that target the muscles in the following areas:

• Lumbar Region
• Trapezius
• Rear Deltoid Complex
• Trunk Area
• Gluteus and Lower Leg

These areas comprise your posterior chain. The exercises you choose should allow the following:

• Increase Resistance
• Enhance Mobility
• Improve Flexibility

The Deadlift has long been regarded as the best overall exercise for strengthening the lower back. However in this article, we included other exercises you can consider to strengthen the lower back.

This way, if you are already experiencing some pain and discomfort sitting down, you would have safer alternatives to include in your workout.

1. Rack Pulls

Rack Pulls is a variation of the Deadlift whereby you are working from an Effective Range of Motion (ERM) rather than the Full Range of Motion (FRM). In a Deadlift, the lower back strongly comes into play when the bar is at a level 8cm below your knees. This is where hip drive begins. Make sure to set the pins in the Power Rack at that level when setting up for Rack Pulls. This exercise also hits the traps, rear shoulders and requires strong and stable hips.

Recommended Volume: 5 sets x 5 reps

2. Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift emphasizes the lower back, gluteus and hamstring muscles. You should not go heavy on this exercise. The key is to perform reps in perfect form and under a controlled pace. Do not hyperextend your back at the top of Romanian Deadlift.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 10 reps

3. Barbell Hip Thrust

When you sit behind a computer screen for several hours a day, you are applying compression forces on your spine. Having strong hips is important to help distribute these forces away from your lower back. Barbell Hip Thrust is the best way to focus directly on developing hip strength, mobility and flexibility. Getting a good stretch at the bottom and a tight contraction at the top are keys to maximizing the benefits of Barbell Hip Thrust.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 5 reps

4. Trap Bar Squat

The use of the Trap Bar allows you to maintain a strong back position whereby the hips are higher than the knees. This position allows you to initiate the exercise with your legs instead of the lower back. It is safer for the lower back because you are pulling from the side and not in front as you would with the conventional Deadlift. Trap Bar Squat is great for strengthening the hips, glutes, hamstring, thighs and the abdominal muscles.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

5. Dumbbell Swing

Dumbbell Swing uses hip drive to propel the dumbbell forward and up toward the shoulder area. This exercise strengthens the hip flexors, lower back, hamstrings, glutes, abs and the upper back. Dumbbell Swing is a great way to activate the hips and the muscles surrounding the lumbar area before doing any back exercise.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 15 reps

Rack Pulls and Romanian Deadlift should be performed only once per week but not in the same workout. A good approach would be to group these exercises into different workouts every week. 

For example, Rack Pulls, Barbell Hip Thrust and Dumbbell Swing can be done in one workout and Trap Bar Squat, Romanian Deadlift and Dumbbell Swing in another workout, possibly during Leg Day.

Lastly, always remember to do static stretching after training your lower back. Improving flexibility and range of motion are also important in ensuring lower back health.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Improve Back Strength With These 5 Exercises

Back Exercises For Strength

We all have our favourite body parts to train. You may spend 2 hours training your chest while another may put the same amount of time on his arms.

But whether its chest or arms, there should be no argument on which body part you must absolutely train without fail.

The Back.

The erector spinae runs the entire length of the back all the way to your skull. Its function is to extend the head and spine. The back is composed of a large network of muscles that support the erector spinae.

These muscles have to be regularly exercised to maintain strength as the lower back is subject to compression forces on a daily basis.

The best exercises to improve back strength are those which also recruit the muscles from the legs, hips and abs. These are called compound exercises which have been proven to be highly effective in building strength.

But you should also include exercises that target more specific muscles in the back to overcome strength imbalances.

If you want to improve back strength, include these 5 exercises in your workout routine:

1. Deadlift

The Deadlift hits every muscle in your back from top to bottom. It also recruits muscle fibres from your legs, hips, abs, shoulders and arms. The Deadlift is a basic, functional exercise but is also regarded as the purest test of strength. You are literally picking up dead weight from the floor. With correct form and technique, the Deadlift will increase overall strength, improve hip flexibility and tighten your core section.

Recommended Volume: 5 sets x 5 reps

2. Bent Over Row

Bent Over Row primarily targets your middle and upper back but you need to keep your core tight to maintain the proper 70 degree position. When doing Bent Over Row remember to protract your shoulders at the bottom to get a fuller range of motion. You should also pull the scapulae at the top for a stronger contraction and to hit the smaller muscles.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 8 reps

3. Face Pulls

If you like to perform pressing exercises, you should target the rhomboids, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. These are small muscles located in your upper back that have to be exercised to overcome strength imbalances. Sloping shoulders is a sign of strength imbalance and this will put more compression forces on your lower back. An isolation exercise such as Face Pulls is effective in building these muscles and your posterior deltoids. Face Pulls are a top finishing exercise as part of a shoulder workout.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 10 reps

4. Back Extensions

Back Extensions is a bodyweight exercise that develops flexibility and mobility in the lower back, hamstrings and glutes. You can add weight as you get stronger but always focus on getting a good stretch at the bottom and a tight contraction at the top. Back Extensions can be used as a dynamic stretching exercise before doing Squats, Deadlift and Shoulder Press.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 20 reps

5. Farmers Carry

It may look as simple as carrying 2 heavy suit cases in the airport but Farmers Carry can help you overcome lower back and core weakness in as little as 6 weeks. When performing Farmers Carry, the abs and the back must work in tandem to maintain torso stability. You have to keep your core tight to accommodate compression forces on the lumbar area. Farmers Carry also strengthens your hips, legs, calves, forearms, traps and upper back.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 30m

Legendary strength trainer and fitness innovator Louie Simmons once said, “A weak back is a weak body.” If your back gives out, you will not be able to do much of anything else.

Walking becomes a painful experience. Sitting causes discomfort. Sleeping is difficult.
Make your life easier by taking good care of your back.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Burn Body Fat With These 7 Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight Exercises For Fat Burning

If you don’t have the time to go to the gym, you can have an equally effective workout at home using bodyweight exercises.

With bodyweight training, you have to be more conscious of how you move and where you place each body part in order to execute proper form and technique.

You are literally commanding your body where to go. This is why bodyweight exercises are ideal for developing agility and athleticism.

When incorporating bodyweight exercises in a fat burning program, you have to focus on the intensity instead of the duration.

You should be working at 80% to 90% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). Ideally, the program should not take longer than 20 minutes.

Following are the best bodyweight exercises for burning body fat. They were selected because they recruit the largest muscles in the body: legs, chest and back. These exercises can also be used for either a straight set workout or interval program.

1. Burpees

Burpees is a challenging bodyweight exercise that utilises the lower and upper body. It is a great exercise for improving agility, balance, mobility and overall conditioning. Burpees will get your heart rate pumping after the first few reps. It can be used as warm up before weight training or as part of a high intensity interval program.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 30secs

2. Bear Crawl

It may seem like child’s play but Bear Crawl is intense enough to get your body toned and tight. Bear Crawl works your shoulders, legs, hips, lower back and abs. If you have shoulder pain, do a few sets of Bear Crawl before doing any type of pressing exercise. It helps prime up the muscle fibres in your shoulders, chest and upper back before lifting weights. If you want to increase the intensity of the exercise, do each crawl very slowly.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 30m

3. Clock Push Up

Clock Push Up doesn’t just build the chest. It also works the shoulders, triceps, lower back and abs. Performing each rep according to the hand position on a clock will improve agility and shoulder stability. Make Clock Push Up more challenging by doing 12 reps clockwise then the next 12 reps counter-clockwise.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 12 reps

4. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers is a dynamic exercise that targets the abdominal area, shoulders and lower back. But it is also a fantastic exercise for developing overall conditioning. Always remember to keep your upper back, lower back and hips aligned when doing Mountain Climbers. This places your abs in their strongest position to contract as hard as possible and support your lower back.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 30secs

5. Russian Twist

If you participate in any sport that requires hip and trunk rotation, Russian Twist should be part of your program. Russian Twist brings in all the muscles of your core section together: rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, serratus and oblique muscles. Russian Twist also enhances the level of hip flexibility and mobility.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 30secs

6. Hip Thrust

The lower back is highly susceptible to pain and injury. Hip Thrust is the exercise that will provide the best solution. Hip Thrust strengthens hip mobility, trunk stability and improves flexibility in the hamstrings and gluteus areas.  Always go for a deep stretch at the bottom and a powerful contraction in the hips and lower back at the top position. Hold both the stretch and contraction for a count of five seconds.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

7. Jump Lunges

Jump Lunges is an explosive exercise that primarily targets the thighs, hamstrings, calves, glutes and lower back. Jump Lunges a favourite exercise for toning the lower body because it activates the larger and powerful fast twitch fibres. Maintain a stable trunk position and keep your abs tight to protect the lower back from compression forces every time you land.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

You can run all of these exercises according to sequence for a highly challenging, fat burning interval training program.

After every exercise, catch your breath for 15 to 30 seconds. You should always perform each rep using precise form and technique.

Once you have run through all 7 exercises, rest for 2 minutes before starting the next interval. Try to complete 4 intervals as fast as you can.

Always keep track of your numbers so that you will have a target to beat the next time.

Visit Exercises.com.au for more exercises, workouts and articles...

Thursday, 9 February 2017

7 Best Exercises For Women To Tone Their Lower Body

Lower Body Toning Exercises For Women

Women’s problem areas are predominantly located in the lower body because fat tends to accumulate in the thighs, glutes, lower abdomen and hamstrings.

The most effective way to address these problem areas is to design a workout routine that features the best exercises for toning the lower body.

The best exercises for women are those that allow a deep stretch, require more stability and utilise various muscle groups in the lower body.

These are compound exercises which have been proven to be more effective in toning muscle and burning off body fat.

Here is a outline of 7 of the best exercises to trim the fat off your legs and reveal shapely, well-toned muscles:

1. Squats

If you only had time for 1 exercise in your routine, it should be Squats. This exercise hits every single muscle in your lower body: thighs, hamstrings, calves and glutes plus it strengthens your lower back and abs. Squats also make you work harder which means you burn more calories and shed more body fat.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

2. Romanian Deadlift

Unlike the traditional Deadlift, the Romanian Deadlift puts more emphasis on your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. If you want a nice curve on your lower back that cantilevers to a tight, toned derriere and firm hamstrings, this is the best exercise you can do. Romanian Deadlift has the added benefit of shaping your shoulders, upper back and arms.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

3. Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat is a unilateral exercise that allows you to put 100% focus on each leg so you can get balanced development. This exercise is great for adding shape to your thighs, hamstrings, calves and glutes. Because you are training 1 leg at a time, you will have to tighten your abs and lower back to maintain upper body stability. With Bulgarian Split Squat you can use a barbell, a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells for resistance.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 15 reps

4. Overhead Lunges

Lunges are a favourite exercise of many women to firm up their legs and glutes. But Overhead Lunges not only tones your legs and glutes. It also builds abs, strengthens your lower back and shapes up your shoulders. You can use a barbell plate that is equivalent to 20% of your bodyweight or a pair of kettlebells as overhead resistance. A challenging variation is to walk for 20m to 30m while doing Overhead Lunges.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

5. Glute Ham Raise

Glute Ham Raise is a dynamic bodyweight exercise that focuses on the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Remember to get a good stretch at the bottom and to hold the top position for a count of “one-thousand one” for a strong contraction. You can use this as a warm up before Squats and Romanian Deadlift.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 20 reps

6. Barbell Glute Bridge

Sitting for prolonged hours can strain your lower back. You need strong hips to distribute compression forces away from your lower back when you’re working in an office or studying for hours. Barbell Glute Bridge is an effective exercise for strengthening the hips as well as toning the glutes, hamstrings, calves and thighs. Comedian Chelsea Handler routinely handles 180kgs in Barbell Glute Bridge. You can’t argue with the results!

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 8 reps

7. Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing is an excellent exercise for toning the legs, glutes, lower back, shoulders and upper back. It requires you to keep your core tight throughout the exercise which helps build a nice, tight set of abs. Kettlebell Swing can also be used as part of an interval program to improve conditioning and burn off body fat.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 15 reps

You don’t have to perform all of these exercises in 1 workout. You can train your lower body twice a week with each workout incorporating 3 of the exercises.

If you want a challenge, train your lower body 3 times a week with each workout using 2 of these exercises. In 6 weeks, you should be noticing fabulous results!

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

5 Best Functional Exercises To Build Strong Abs

Ab Exercises For Building Strength

Nothing says health and fitness more than a sculpted set of abs. A trim waist is a sign of good health. A well-defined midsection is testament to hard work.

But having a visible 6-pack should not just be your focus in training abs. You’ve heard of people with abs that could grate a block of parmesan cheese into fine powder succumb to lower back pain and abdominal tears.

The function of the abdominal wall is to protect your lower back. When you wear a belt during exercise, its purpose is to support your lumbar area by giving the abdominal muscles a surface to push against.

Keeping your abs tight during overhead pressing exercises, Squats and Deadlift will help your lower back maintain its strongest position to overcome applied resistance.

While traditional exercises such as crunches and leg raises still have their value in an abdominal workout program, they will not help you develop a strong, sturdy and stable midsection.

You need to choose exercises that require you to maintain a strong trunk position by forcing the abs to contract as powerfully as possible. The benefits of doing these exercises will also carry-over to support everyday tasks. Thus, functionality should be considered when selecting the exercises.

Here are 5 of the best functional exercises to build strong abs:

1. Turkish Get Up

Turkish Get Up is often labelled as the most important exercise no one wants to do. Why? Because it is extremely challenging; a basic Get Up involves 14 intricate movements that must be strictly followed. Adding resistance such as a dumbbell or a kettlebell will make it more challenging but at the same time, increases the rewards. Turkish Get Up will benefit those who participate in running, MMA, basketball, tennis and rugby.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 5 reps

2. Walking Overhead Lunge

Lunges are a great exercise for developing the legs. Walking Overhead Lunges involve placing an overhead resistance such as a barbell plate or a pair of kettlebells increases the involvement of the abdominal muscles to support the lower back. Walking during the overhead lunge adds a third degree of difficulty because now you have to focus on maintaining balance and stability. Walking Overhead Lunges are a fantastic full-body exercise that will build strength as well as provide cardiovascular endurance.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 20m

3. Spider Crawl

Unlike the Bear Crawl, Spider Crawls requires you to keep your upper back in line with your hips and lower back throughout the exercise. This places greater stress on the abdominal muscles because if your hips sink below the level of your upper back, you place more pressure on your lower back. 3 tips to make Spider Crawls more challenging: look straight ahead, crawl very slowly and crawl in reverse.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 20m

4. Bent Press

Bent Press is effective in developing hip and trunk stability mobility and flexibility. It also builds strong oblique muscles and actively engages the entire abdominal area composed of the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. Similar to Turkish Get Up, start out with Bent Press with your bodyweight and focus on perfecting your form before adding resistance.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 5 reps

5. Bird Dog Exercise

Don’t be taken by the light-hearted name of this exercise. Bird Dog Exercise is a staple in many abdominal strengthening programs especially for those with lower back injury. Bird Dog Exercise will improve trunk and hip flexibility. Performing the exercise on 1 knee and 1 arm increases the work capacity of your abdominal muscles. When doing Bird Dog Exercise, focus on the quality of the rep not the quantity performed in a set.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 10 reps

As you have read, you don’t have to do countless sets and reps of abdominal work to get results. The keys to having an effective workout are: resistance, precise execution of form and functionality.

You do not have to do all of these exercises in 1 workout. A better approach would be to set aside 3 days per week for abdominal work then distribute 2 to 3 of these exercises.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

How To Build A Perfect Chest With Only 3 Exercises

Best Chest Exercises For Shaping Your Pecs

The chest has long been identified as a symbol of strength and power among men.

Perhaps it is because the dominant gorilla in the tribe is seen as the one who mightily pounds his fists on his chest as a show of superiority.

Or maybe it is because you just can’t ignore a well- sculpted chest.

Regardless of what you wear, a pair of perfectly cut pecs will always present themselves.

Think of Chris Evans, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth. Not even a black tie affair can hide the fact that they sport chests that can stop a speeding bullet.

This is why Mondays in the gym is popularly referred to as “Chest Day”. The men want to get the week started on a good note by pounding on their chests like a silver back gorilla.

If you want a chest that combines size and shape with strength worthy of the god of thunder, you only need 3 exercises to get it done.

1. Bench Press

The Bench Press adds size to your upper body the same way the Squat does for your lower body. It is a compound exercise that builds the chest, shoulders, lat muscles and triceps. Performed correctly, the Bench Press will allow you to lift the most weight for your upper body. Remember to pin your shoulders to the bench before starting the exercise. By bracing your shoulders to the bench, you minimise the amount of compression forces on your rotator cuff.

Recommended Volume: 5 sets x 5 reps

2. Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline Dumbbell Press is a great exercise for developing the upper area of your chest. Using dumbbells allows you to get a better stretch at the bottom of the exercise and a freer range of motion up to lockout at the top. Dumbbells require balance which utilises more muscle fibres and thus lead to better overall development of your chest. If you want to hit the outer part of your upper chest, adjust your incline dumbbell press to the angle your wrists so that the pinky is higher than the thumb.

Recommended Volume: 4 sets x 10 reps

3. Dumbbell Flys

Dumbbell Flys is the perfect exercise to finish off your chest workout. By the time you get to Dumbbell Flys, you chest would be so tired you would only need light weights. When doing this exercise, maintain a slight bend on your elbows. Focus on getting a good, controlled stretch at the bottom and a strong contraction at the top. Dumbbell Flys are the best exercise to get nutrient- rich blood flowing into your chest.

Recommended Volume: 3 sets x 20 reps

Before starting out your workout, make sure your chest, shoulders, triceps and lower back are properly warmed up.

Perform dynamic stretching exercises such as external and internal shoulder rotations, light dumbbell flys, back extensions and an easy set of push ups.

After you have racked the last dumbbell, do static stretches for your chest and shoulder muscles immediately.

It is important to keep your chest, shoulders and triceps flexible and stable to minimise the risk of injury.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

5 Best Strength Training Exercises for Tennis Players

Strength Training For Tennis

Tennis is a sport which combines power, endurance, mobility, agility and flexibility.

Players routinely fire off serves with speeds of up to 250km/hr and at the same time endure baseline rallies that last 26 to 30 strokes.

It places tremendous forces on the body. The most injury- prone areas are the lower back, shoulders, abdominals, calves, the elbows and wrists.

Common Injuries In Tennis

You often read about the top tennis players in the world getting sidelined by injuries.

Roger Federer has a history of back and knee problems. Rafael Nadal tore his abdominal muscle and has had surgery on his wrist and knees. Andy Murray had lower back surgery.

These types of injuries aren’t limited to the pros. Even casual tennis players who play once a week are susceptible to these injuries.

A strength training program for tennis should focus on building these injury prone muscle groups without compromising mobility, agility and flexibility.

5 Best Strength Training Exercises For Tennis Players

The best strength training exercises for tennis players are those that involve the key muscle groups. Compound exercises develop coordination and improve functionality.

1. Power Clean

The Power Clean is often referred to as the best exercise to develop athleticism. It requires you to coordinate the legs, hips, upper back and shoulders while keeping the core muscles stable. Power Clean is a great exercise to strengthen the wrists and develop explosive power in the legs and hips which are necessary to deliver high velocity ground strokes and baseline returns.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 5 reps

2. Overhead Lunges

Any type of lunges will work for tennis but Overhead Lunges has the advantage of building a stronger core, upper back and shoulder muscles. By lifting a plate overhead, the upper back, shoulders and core muscles are forced to work harder to maintain stability while lunging. Overhead Lunges can improve speed and agility which is important when you have to attack the net or return a slice backhand drop shot.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 15 reps

3. Cable Squat Row

Many of the shots in tennis involve the hips, back and the rotation of the shoulders. Cable Squat Row is an exercise that utilises all three body parts with the added convenience of using a machine which eliminates the need for balance. You can focus on proper form and execution of the exercise. Cable Squat Row will build the scapulae and posterior deltoids and reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

4. Barbell Glute Bridge

Tennis involves plenty of short sprints in different directions. A strong and stable trunk and hips are important to maintain correct upper body position during sprints. A weak trunk leads to displaced energy which puts more pressure on the lower back. Barbell Glute Bridge strengthens the hips, gluteus muscles, lower back, hamstrings, calves and thighs. An important tip is to hold each rep for 5 seconds at the bottom of each Barbell Glute Bridge for the hip stretch and 5 seconds at the top for a strong contraction in the glutes.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 5 reps

5. Wall Ball

If you watch training videos of Federer and Nadal, you will notice that both players include medicine ball exercises in their routine. The medicine ball is great for improving balance, power and mobility. Wall Ball helps develop power in the hips, legs and shoulders. The value of Wall Ball will carry over to your serve and volley game.

Recommended Volume: 2 sets x 10 reps

There are other exercises that you can add in your program to improve your tennis game. When strength training for tennis, your focus is not on lifting heavy weights but on stabilizing the key muscle areas while getting the entire body to work together and become more efficient in utilizing energy.