Sunday, 29 January 2017

5 Best Leg Exercises For Endurance Runners

Leg Exercises For Runners

Running teaches your body to utilise energy efficiently. Muscle tissue uses up calories which are needed to sustain energy for long runs.

This explains why many long distance runners have lean bodies but hardly any muscle tone. Long distance running sacrifices muscle tone in exchange for energy efficiency.

Why Runners Should Do Strength Training

A study conducted by running shoe maker, Saucony, showed that a runner generates a force equivalent to 3 times his or her bodyweight every time the foot strikes the ground.

Thus, a 70kg runner generates a force of 210kgs per heel strike. Now multiply that by the number of strides it takes to complete a 10km run or a marathon!

This is why runners should not ignore strength training completely. Weak muscles will not be able to support the joints and tendons from the repetitive stress of feet landing on hard surface.

The Best Exercises For Runners

The best exercise for runners are the ones which target stress areas without over-taxing the legs. Thus, compound or multi-joint exercises are preferred:

1. Sumo Deadlift

Unlike the conventional Deadlift, the Sumo Deadlift shifts more focus on your hips, thighs, glutes and hamstrings more than the lower back. The Sumo Deadlift requires you to remain upright and helps develop a strong, stable torso which is essential for maintaining good form in running.

Recommended volume: 2 sets x 5 reps

2. Single Leg Deadlift

The Single Leg Deadlift is an important exercise not only because it safely works the hamstrings but it also strengthens the tendons and ligaments around the knee which is often injured in running. The key in Single Leg Deadlift is to use light enough weight to maintain balance and perfect form.

Recommended volume: 2 sets x 20 reps

3. Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a good exercise for building strength and flexibility in the hip flexors, thighs, glutes and lower back. Using a barbell or performing Bulgarian Split Squat on a Smith Machine will place more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. Switching to a set of dumbbells shifts the focus to the thighs.

Recommended volume: 2 sets x 20 reps

4. Barbell Glute Bridge

Runners experience lower back injuries because of all the pounding the knees take during long distance runs. Barbell Glute Bridge strengthens the hips, hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Make sure you get a deep stretch at the bottom and a tight contraction at the top. Hold each position in Barbell Glute Bridge for a count of “one one thousand”.

Recommended volume: 2 sets x 5 reps

5. Kettlebell Windmill

Kettlebell Windmill is a great exercise to develop a strong, sturdy trunk that will always be ready for those long runs. During Kettlebell Windmill Go for a deep stretch at the bottom and a strong contraction on the oblique muscles at the top position.

Recommended volume: 2 sets x 5 reps

Strength training for runners is conducted differently from other sports. The goal is to strengthen the muscles and the surrounding area. You can do strength training 1 to 2 times a week during rest days. Choose a weight that will allow you to maintain perfect form without over-stressing the legs.